
To create a usable wms map, subclass WmsMap and add WmsLayers to it. The WmsMap class in django-raster represents the MAP directive in the MapServer terminology. WmsMap defines global parameters for a map service endpoint. Only the most important MapServer MAP parameters are implemented in django-wms. The missing parameters still need to be added. The parameters that are currently implemented are listed below.

The WmsMap allone does specifiy global setup, but data has to be added through layers. Each WMS layer that can be accessed through the WmsMap is represented by a WmsLayer subclass. Specify a list of layers classes when creating a WmsLayer subclass. For example

# In myapp.wmsmap

from wms.maps import WmsMap
from myapp.wmslayers import MyFirstLayer, MySecondLayer, MyThirdLayer

class MyMap(WmsMap):
    layer_classes = [MyFirstLayer, MySecondLayer, MyThirdLayer]

Map parameters

A list of map parameters that can be specified as class attributes when subclassing WmsMap.


The title of a WMS service endpoint. Defaults to

title = 'Django-wms service'


An array of map projections (srid) can be requested through the map. Defaults to

srs = ['4326', '3086', '3857']


WMS request types thata are allowed for the map. Defaults to

enable_requests = ['GetMap', 'GetLegendGraphic', 'GetCapabilities']

Legend size

Size in pixels of rendered icons on legends returned by the GetLegendGraphic request. Defaults to

legend_size = (20, 20)