
The first step in creating a map service with django-wms is to setup at least one WmsLayer sublcass. The WmsLayer class represents the LAYER directive from a mapserver map file. Each layer that will be offered as a service end point will be a subclass of WmsLayer.

Layer attributes

Spatial field

The main component of a WmsLayer is a django model that has at least one spatial field, which has to specified when sublclassing. For example

# In myapp.wmslayers

from wms import layers
from myapp.models import MySpatialModel

class MyLayer(layers.WmsVectorLayer):
    model = MySpatialModel

The WmsLayer class auto-detects the first spatial field it can find in the model specified, for models with several spatial fields, the name of the spatial field can be specified explicitly using the geo_field_name attribute of the class.

Layer name

By default, the spatial field name will be used as the layer’s name. For a custom layer name, set the name attribute of the class.

Where clause

This attribute can be used to preselect or filter the data from the model table that is shown on the layer. It can be used analogue to the where clause in a SQL select query such as SELECT FROM ... WHERE. An example is where='quality>50'.

Class item

The class_item attribute can be used to specify a column of the specified model as a selector for coloring the map (analogue to the CLASSITEM directive in mapserver layers). To adopt coloring of the map according to the specified class_item field, the cartograpy attribute has to be specified, as described below.


The cartography of a layer is defined as an array of dictionaries, where each dictionary has a name, a expression and a color. The name will be the name used in the legend when requested, the expression is a class expression for the class_item attribute that needs to be specified for the WmsLayer subclass (see above). The expression is SQL like, but not the same. The syntax is defined through the MapServer Expressions. Finally, the color used for this category can be specified as RGB with white spaces as separators (255 0 0) or as hexadecimal color (#FF0000).

mycartograpy = [
        'name': 'Category A',
        'expression': '1',
        'color': '0 0 255'
        'name': 'Category B',
        'expression': '2',
        'color': '255 0 0'

class MySpatialModel(models.Model):
    quality = models.FloatField()
    geom = models.PolygonField()

class MyLayer(WmsLayer):
    model = MySpatialModel
    class_item = 'quality'
    where = 'quality > 0'
    cartograpy = mycartography

Vector layers

For vector layers, subclass the layers.WmsVectorLayer class. Supported spatial vector data types are Points, Lines, Polygons and MultiPolygons. Any of those field types are automatically detected in models or can be specifically set as explained above.

For points and polygons a set of predefined symbols can be used to render them (circle, square, triangle, cross and diagonal), for polygon a hatch fill symbology is available as well (hatch). To use those symbols, add the symbol attribute to the cartography array. For example

mycartograpy = [
        'name': 'Category A',
        'expression': '1',
        'color': '0 0 255',
        'symbol': 'hatch'

Custom symbols can be added to display data, see this tutorial for guidance on symbol definitions. After creating custom mapscript symbols, the symbols can be added by subclassing the WmsSymbolSet class and setting an array of symbols in the custom_symbols attribute. When creating the WmsMap subclass, the custom symbol set needs to be specified as well. Below is a simple example

import mapscript
from wms.symbols import WmsSymbolSet

symb = mapscript.symbolObj('v-line')
symb.type = mapscript.MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR
symb.filled = mapscript.MS_FALSE
line = mapscript.lineObj()
for pnt in [(0,0), (5, 10), (10, 0)]:
    line.add(mapscript.pointObj(pnt[0], pnt[1]))
symb.sizex = 50
symb.sizey = 50

class MyCustomSymbols(WmsSymbolSet):
    custom_symbols = [symb]

class MyWmsMap(maps.WmsMap):
    symbolset_class = MyCustomSymbols

Raster layers

For vector layers, subclass the layers.WmsRasterLayer class. Raster layers are supported if the django-raster package is installed. The django-raster package allows basic support for raster data in django, which can then be served through map services with this package.

Currently only x-y-z style TMS endpoints are supported by the raster layer class. The raster layer class will use the x-y-z indexed pyramids build by django-raster to access the data to provide a responsive web-map endpoint even for large rasters.

After uploading a rasterfile to the RasterLayer model, that specific raster layer can be filtered for using the rasterlayer_id or the rasterfile name. Below is an example for a layer using raster data from the RasterTile table, which is generated by the django-raster package through the RasterTile model. The cartography can be equal to the definition in the previous example above.

class MyRasterLayer(WmsLayer):
    model = RasterTile
    nodata = '0'
    cartography = mycartograpy